Today’s topic is hot flashes: what you’ve tried, what’s worked, your favorite terrible story about them. Today we’re taking questions, sharing solutions and telling tales. Please take a pause and join in the conversation throughout the day. 🔥🔥🔥
Exciting news: We’ll be giving away Hot Flash Cooling Mist from Pause Well-Aging to three lucky participants today — and Pause Well-Aging Founder Rochelle Weitzer will join us in sharing her insight and personal stories as well.
And if you haven’t already, check out this week’s great Pause guest essay from Dina Adler, who started us off this week with her own hot flash story. She’ll be joining us throughout the day too!
Hot flashes, hot flashes. I've been dealing with hot flashes for the past two years. I also started to notice that during the late spring and summer months the impact of hot flashes are much more uncomfortable. Not only do I experience these sparks, it's coupled now with itchy skin...ahhh. That said, Pause Well-Aging Hot Flash Mist has been a much needed asset for relief (no, this is not a product placement plug, it's the truth :-). Between the mini-fan I purchased that looks like a smartphone (I have to keep it cute) and the mist I'm good. My current issue is not sleeping through the night--due in part to hot flashes. I recently started taking Magnesium Glycinate supplements and this has definitely made a difference.
A mini fan that looks like a that sounds like a good item! Thanks for chiming in, Heidi. May your hot flashes subside and cease to be so bothersome :)
During the summer of 2017, I was driving to the beach and suddenly found myself sweating. I mean really sweating. So, I cranked up the A/C and was ready to crack a joke about the heat when I noticed everyone else in the car was shivering. And then it hit me: I was 48 and this was my first hot flash.
So, I did what any woman would do. I panicked.
I felt like my life was over. Beachside lunches and long walks along the surf would be the sentimental last act before the credits rolled – not the climactic sequence of the life I'd been working towards. For the first time, I really felt my age and the limitations that lay ahead, as well as the turning point in my looks. Because you see, I was a cosmetics executive. I had been expected to represent the brands I worked for and I always stayed close to a mirror to make sure every hair was in place, every line was concealed, everything appeared as it should. That day, I knew things were about to change.
I’ll be honest, my vanity took over. I started thinking about what products could get me out of this so-called mess. But I realized, to my horror, that I was grasping at straws. Sure, there were tons of products for antiaging, but I was aging. And there was nothing on the market to help me and every other woman my age to embrace that reality. During a career spent promoting beauty as youthful radiance, I'd not only neglected the millions of women older than me – I'd neglected my own future.
With no great resources to turn to, something had to be done. I couldn’t be the only one struggling through menopause, right? My panic turned into productivity (possibly the one upshot of menopause-induced insomnia) and six months later, Pause was born. I wanted to focus on Well-Aging™, not antiaging, to inform and equip women to make the most of all three stages of menopause.
Rochelle, I applaud you for taking the lead and actually figuring out a gap in the market and addressing it so expertly! Aging may signify the loss of collagen and some other things, but it ushers in so many multi-layered talents and so much wisdom gleaned from years of living. Cheers to us!
Rochelle, what is it that impacts our skin the most during the hot flash stage (i.e., menopause) — is it hormonal? Is it just natural wear and tear that comes with life? (Asking for a friend with very dry skin these days...)
such a great question! With hormonal shifts we lose collagen, elasticity, radiance and become incredibly dry. What I wanted to do was formulate a line of products specifically for these changes. The other thing to know is that by our early 20's our production of collagen begins to slow down. At 40, we are no longer producing new collagen (the support net of our skin), so skin starts to sag and lose it's density. BUT, the cells that produce collagen are still with us they are just dormant (I say sleeping) for the moment. If we can generate the right level of shear (glide between fascial layers) we can potentially wake up the sleeping cells and resume collagen production. This is why we also introduced a fascia stimulating tool into our line. Collagen is what we so desperately need.
Is the wake-up something that can happen externally? Basically, I'm thinking of those jade rollers that are everywhere now... do they do anything to help with the collagen issue?
yes, it can absolutely happen externally, but not with a jade roller. The jade roller is really for lymphatic drainage. It doesn't generate the shear I was speaking about. Only our patented tool can do that:
Haven't had a really good one for ages. And by 'good', I mean pretty bad. But I did try to see them as surges. Worst time for me has always been first thing in the morning, just as I am waking up. A great way to make you jump out of bed, because it's actually horrible to be there and that hot. Like a biological alarm clock.
I get a lot of hot flashes at night. They wake me up, like an annoying fly that keeps coming back and you cannot get rid of. When I first got them, I felt a little embarrassed, Is anyone else here feeling like they are on fire? Oh, it's just me. Don't mind me while I take off a layer or two and see if the air conditioner works during winter.
I remember the first time it happened to me. I have completely flummoxed as to why it was suddenly so hot — and why the person I was having lunch with didn't seem bothered at all. I could feel the sweat down my back and thought, "You can see me drowning, right?!" But she didn't say anything and neither did I. It wasn't until later that I thought, "Ohhhhhh....!"
Good morning! Today we're trying something new: an open thread discussion on a topic near and not dear to many of us... hot flashes. Had one lately? Had one last night? Do tell!
Not last night...but when I was going through menopause a while ago. Ah, memories. And, wow! It felt like someone wrapped me in a huge heating pad, turned the heat to extra-high, and left me without the switch to control the heat. I never knew when it would the hairdressers, at a student-teacher conference, in the theater, in the name it!
Hot flashes, hot flashes. I've been dealing with hot flashes for the past two years. I also started to notice that during the late spring and summer months the impact of hot flashes are much more uncomfortable. Not only do I experience these sparks, it's coupled now with itchy skin...ahhh. That said, Pause Well-Aging Hot Flash Mist has been a much needed asset for relief (no, this is not a product placement plug, it's the truth :-). Between the mini-fan I purchased that looks like a smartphone (I have to keep it cute) and the mist I'm good. My current issue is not sleeping through the night--due in part to hot flashes. I recently started taking Magnesium Glycinate supplements and this has definitely made a difference.
A mini fan that looks like a that sounds like a good item! Thanks for chiming in, Heidi. May your hot flashes subside and cease to be so bothersome :)
During the summer of 2017, I was driving to the beach and suddenly found myself sweating. I mean really sweating. So, I cranked up the A/C and was ready to crack a joke about the heat when I noticed everyone else in the car was shivering. And then it hit me: I was 48 and this was my first hot flash.
So, I did what any woman would do. I panicked.
I felt like my life was over. Beachside lunches and long walks along the surf would be the sentimental last act before the credits rolled – not the climactic sequence of the life I'd been working towards. For the first time, I really felt my age and the limitations that lay ahead, as well as the turning point in my looks. Because you see, I was a cosmetics executive. I had been expected to represent the brands I worked for and I always stayed close to a mirror to make sure every hair was in place, every line was concealed, everything appeared as it should. That day, I knew things were about to change.
I’ll be honest, my vanity took over. I started thinking about what products could get me out of this so-called mess. But I realized, to my horror, that I was grasping at straws. Sure, there were tons of products for antiaging, but I was aging. And there was nothing on the market to help me and every other woman my age to embrace that reality. During a career spent promoting beauty as youthful radiance, I'd not only neglected the millions of women older than me – I'd neglected my own future.
With no great resources to turn to, something had to be done. I couldn’t be the only one struggling through menopause, right? My panic turned into productivity (possibly the one upshot of menopause-induced insomnia) and six months later, Pause was born. I wanted to focus on Well-Aging™, not antiaging, to inform and equip women to make the most of all three stages of menopause.
Rochelle, I applaud you for taking the lead and actually figuring out a gap in the market and addressing it so expertly! Aging may signify the loss of collagen and some other things, but it ushers in so many multi-layered talents and so much wisdom gleaned from years of living. Cheers to us!
Rochelle, what is it that impacts our skin the most during the hot flash stage (i.e., menopause) — is it hormonal? Is it just natural wear and tear that comes with life? (Asking for a friend with very dry skin these days...)
such a great question! With hormonal shifts we lose collagen, elasticity, radiance and become incredibly dry. What I wanted to do was formulate a line of products specifically for these changes. The other thing to know is that by our early 20's our production of collagen begins to slow down. At 40, we are no longer producing new collagen (the support net of our skin), so skin starts to sag and lose it's density. BUT, the cells that produce collagen are still with us they are just dormant (I say sleeping) for the moment. If we can generate the right level of shear (glide between fascial layers) we can potentially wake up the sleeping cells and resume collagen production. This is why we also introduced a fascia stimulating tool into our line. Collagen is what we so desperately need.
Is the wake-up something that can happen externally? Basically, I'm thinking of those jade rollers that are everywhere now... do they do anything to help with the collagen issue?
yes, it can absolutely happen externally, but not with a jade roller. The jade roller is really for lymphatic drainage. It doesn't generate the shear I was speaking about. Only our patented tool can do that:
Wow! Collagen has just become my new BFF!
Who ever knew that collagen was 'sleeping?' A big wakeup call!
I swear, the first time your body says, "Yep, I'm changing" and you're not 12 it's a total SHOCK.
Haven't had a really good one for ages. And by 'good', I mean pretty bad. But I did try to see them as surges. Worst time for me has always been first thing in the morning, just as I am waking up. A great way to make you jump out of bed, because it's actually horrible to be there and that hot. Like a biological alarm clock.
I get a lot of hot flashes at night. They wake me up, like an annoying fly that keeps coming back and you cannot get rid of. When I first got them, I felt a little embarrassed, Is anyone else here feeling like they are on fire? Oh, it's just me. Don't mind me while I take off a layer or two and see if the air conditioner works during winter.
My husband just LOVED when I was going through menopause because I was no longer complaining, "It's so cold in here!"
When you do realize what it is at first it's so discombobulating AND discomforting! I swear, they wake me up at the time at night!
I remember the first time it happened to me. I have completely flummoxed as to why it was suddenly so hot — and why the person I was having lunch with didn't seem bothered at all. I could feel the sweat down my back and thought, "You can see me drowning, right?!" But she didn't say anything and neither did I. It wasn't until later that I thought, "Ohhhhhh....!"
Good morning! Today we're trying something new: an open thread discussion on a topic near and not dear to many of us... hot flashes. Had one lately? Had one last night? Do tell!
Not last night...but when I was going through menopause a while ago. Ah, memories. And, wow! It felt like someone wrapped me in a huge heating pad, turned the heat to extra-high, and left me without the switch to control the heat. I never knew when it would the hairdressers, at a student-teacher conference, in the theater, in the name it!