I was gaslight for 4 doctors until I found the good one. It was a sad experience to be dismissed for them, cause my poor use of the English language. But every time they did it, I changed them.

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So sorry to hear this, Rosa. But good for you for finding the right one!

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This hit home for me. I had the most amazing OB/GYN who makes you feel like you're her best friend every time... save one. I went in during perimenopause a couple of years ago, distraught with how I was feeling. I had many questions. She turned into an entirely different person when I mentioned menopause, almost dismissive. I was stunned by her demeanor. I cried in the car afterwards. It's taken two years, a lot of research, and I'm currently post-menopause; but now aware of certified menopause practitioners—where I will make my next appointment. We get this feeling our doctors know more than us and feel inadequate when they gaslight. Not anymore. We have options.

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Thanks for writing. So sad that so many of us go through this! It makes me so angry, too. And a woman, of all things. I wonder if she was too young to appreciate what you were going through...no excuse, of course.. I have learned that menopause education is sorely lacking for any doctor, even GYNs. Isn't that unbelievable?? (mabye not.) Good for you for doing your research and discovering the world of the certified menopause practitioner...Perhaps I need to spread the word? That is clearly something not everyone is aware of.

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Actually, the doctor and I are the exact same age. It seems her focus was more on the OB rather than the GYN. She is relatively known in the community and has appeared on TV news reports about pregnancy. Nonetheless, I am fortunate that menopause is getting more attention through newsletters such as yours, books, social media, etc. More so than the generations before us.

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SHameful~! And finally menopause is slowly emerging from the closet. Finally, the conversation has been opened up. Thanks for reading!

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SHameful~! And finally menopause is slowly emerging from the closet. Finally, the conversation has been opened up. Thanks for reading!

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